Thursday, February 7, 2008

Busy at Work

Lately, it seems everyone is coming down with the flu. I'm convinced that some of these flu-like symptoms are not actually the flu at all. I've had to work a lot lately. I was called in early all week long, worked a double twice this week, and may have to work on Sunday, which I just hate to do. Some of the other pharmacists are becoming ill. So, we've been praying for them. I know I don't want to get sick, especially not right now with so much going on.

Anyway, I figured everyone would want to see this man who talks so much about his family and work. Hopefully, we'll get to know each other more over the next few weeks as our first book is put on the market.

God bless you all!

1 comment:

elysabeth said...

Love it - lol - I will be doing character introductions for my series soon - one at a time like you are doing - E :)