Thursday, July 31, 2008

Family Picnic is Saturday

I'm so delighted. Our family picnic is Saturday. I've taken off work this week and have spent the whole time with Chloe and Carol. I want to pamper Chloe as much as possible. She doesn't know that she has a little brother on the way soon. Shhh! Mums the word!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Guess who got Dottymania? Chloe Culpepper

Isn't Miss Donna (Shepherd) pretty? I just love her because she writes some of my favorite books. I loved Topsy Turvy Land. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting. Now finally, she has given me another great book, Dotty's Topsy Tale. Hooray!

I think the cover is so beautiful. Mr. Kevin drew the pictures. He must be terribly smart to draw things so good. It seems like he draws all the good stuff. Nearly all my favorite books now were drawn by him.

Just yesterday, I found out that Dotty was available for my mommy to purchase at

I love Miss Donna's smile. She looks like what I imagined an author would look like. She kinda reminds me of my mom, who is also an author. I hope my mom interviews her soon. I just want to meet her in person. I bet she's the nicest person on Earth, other than my dad. He's the best!